Lift and Eat
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Welcome to Eat and Lift tutorial at (the Website page). Please read the general terms and conditions carefully (the Terms). This document is a translation into the local language from the original in English and is offered to you as an aid. If there are differences between the translated document and the original, in case of conflicts, the latter has priority. If you do not agree to these Terms, you must not access this website below by subscribing to or attempting to access or use the Terms of Service. Otherwise, you agree to use the Terms of Service in this Agreement. At times, we may need to change these terms and any changes will be in accordance with the Terms. Please check this website regularly as we will inform you here if such changes are made.

1. Description and type of services

Eat and Lift (Nextboom, We), has created a cooking content for mobile phones that can be accessed in offline mode via SMS, tips and instructive cooking videos on most used consoles in a professional and friendly way for users to upgrade their cooking skills, and follow friendly instructions to help them enjoy cooking faster. These services are charged through the mobile network.

The Services available to you are subject to these Terms. Services will include access to information, data, text, software, music, sound, photos, graphics, videos, messages or other material. Services do not intend to provide tax, accounting or legal advice, security or investment suitability advice, health and medical advice, or any other personal or private advice. Services may also include access to content and services from independent third parties. After proper registration, you will be allowed to receive or use the content via compatible mobile phones. The Services are offered a) through a recurrent subscription model b) as a package with units for a specified number of shipments with registration with the possibility of renewal (periodic). Not all models may be available in your country. On the website you can find more information about the Services offered in your country. Unless otherwise specified, none of the information provided to the Services or in relation to the Services is binding, it simply invites you to order Services. The Company has the right to provide the Services as it sees fit but will try to ensure that the Services are not of lower standards than when these Terms were written. The Company reserves the right to change or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Services provided to you. If the Service is to be permanently discontinued, we will notify you via the Landing page or by sending a text message to your Mobile Phone.

2. Registration and General Access to the Services

You must be over 18 years of age to register with any of our Services. If you do not pay your mobile or internet bill yourself or if you are under the age of 18, please obtain the permission of the person paying the bill, parents, guardian and / or employees (your legal representative) registering and participating in the Services. By registering and / or participating in the Services 1) you acknowledge and confirm, where necessary, that you have the required permission, concession, approval from the person paying the bill, parents, guardian or employer and 2) you accept that you had the opportunity to read and agree to the Terms before using the Services. If you do not agree, do not use the Services. By registering and / or using the Services, you acknowledge and acknowledge that you agree to the terms and that they are appropriate for your case, as described above. You agree that any person requesting such Services is on your behalf with full authority and respect for such Services. Unless otherwise stated, any new or additional features that enhance or improve the current Services are subject to the Terms.

3. Compulsory registration, Personal data

At your request, the Company may register you as a user and grant you access to the Services by sending SMS text messages. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of any password and account. The Company may need to change the username that corresponds to some of the Services and reserves the right to do so (you will be notified if necessary). To guarantee the safe use of all Services and payment of charges, you guarantee that the personal information you provided to the registration application is correct and complete (referred to as Personal Data). If the Company at its own risk does not believe that the Personal Data is correct or complete, the Company may terminate or terminate your account and the current and future Services or any of their parties. You are responsible for keeping secret the codes and / or accounts available to you by the Company and you are responsible for any act relating to the use of the code or account. In case of Online credentials were granted to access the content, you will undertake to notify the Company if you notice or suspect that unauthorized use of the password or account has taken place or that for any reason the security or protection of Personal Data is no longer guaranteed. The Company cannot and is not liable for any loss or damage from non-compliance with this Section. The Company may provide you with access to some Services without registering you as a user, such as mobile registration for the Services. In this case, your authentication is based on authentication tools that we deem appropriate, such as your mobile number. You agree that this information may be disclosed to the Company and used in accordance with the Terms and Conditions section.

4. Access to the current registration package

The current registration starts when the Company, at your request, provides you content accessibility. Access to the Services is provided by providing information and entertainment services (eg by text messages such as instructions, various, informative) or by downloading material (such as videos, images or mobile games), or by providing access to the Services (eg on your mobile number) or by giving you the ability to download the Services (eg with a WAP link or with a link in a text message to download or use the Services on the Company's website). All registration agreements are valid until they are terminated and / or canceled by you or the Company in accordance with the terms set forth herein. The agreements for the Company's Services and independent third parties that have been made through the Services are valid when the Company or the third member accepts your order or has provided you with the Services in accordance with the terms set out here.

5. Access the package with units

In the package with units offered by the Company, units are provided for a specific number of transfers with the possibility of renewing the registration. Registration for the unit package starts as soon as your Company provides the units. You will be notified of charges and credits through SMS and the Services. The package with units provides you with a specific number of units and you can download, receive and / or access a specific number of contents available. The registration period depends on the type of subscription provided in your country. The contract and the registration period are updated according to the rules and a new registration fee will be applied for the new registration period. The registration contract is valid until it is terminated and / or canceled by you or the Company in accordance with the terms of this document. After the start of the registration agreement and after the payment of the current charge for the specific period, the Company will transfer the units to your account. The periodic registration fee must be paid each time the registration agreement is valid regardless of whether you are downloading Services during a registration period, the periodic registration fee only gives you the right to receive and / or access Services.

6. Charges

The subscription fee is 58 Sheikel per day (excl. VAT for postpaid users). Eat and Lift is a daily subscription. You will pay for the Services and their use through the mobile network provider according to the current prices at the time of your order. Unless otherwise stated, charges will be made by the mobile network provider to your mobile phone account or will be deducted from your balance as long as you remain subscribed to the service. For the use of the Services, additional taxes and separate WAP / GPRS / 3G band message charges may apply. Charges will be charged regardless of whether or not you viewed &/or downloaded content. These charges are considered to relate to the right to access the website, receive and generally access content (video instruction) that may be downloaded to mobile phones. The Company may charge you for the charges of third parties whose Services are available through the Services if it has been agreed with the third member. These charges will be made in accordance with third party charges. The Company and / or the provider of the mobile telephony network reserves the right to change all the charges of the Services, including the charges for the existing registration agreements. In case of changes, the Company will notify you in advance. If you do not agree with the new charges (which are only possible), you can cancel your registration and / or your account.

7. Your responsibilities

In order to use the Services, you must be registered for mobile phone services with a mobile phone company for (mobile) communication networks for which the Company has the Services or you can register with a mobile service provider so that you can download content or / and receive text messages and pay for any service charges (mobile services) associated with this access. You do not need to have an internet connection that works (eg WAP, GPRS, UMTS) on your mobile phone. Your mobile phone should be able to receive text messages, ringtones, mobile games, videos and / or color graphics. In addition, you must have all the necessary equipment and software to connect to the Services. It is your responsibility not to interfere with the equipment and / or software with the Company's operations. The Company has the right to immediately disconnect the Services from any interfering equipment or software and to terminate this Agreement immediately. Services are for personal use only and cannot be assigned or transferred to any other mobile number, person or entity, and you may not give access to any other person to your Services, directly or indirectly. Any behavior or action that we believe restricts or obstructs any other user from accessing, using or enjoying the Services is not permitted. You agree to use the Services only for legal purposes.

8. Intellectual Property

Unless otherwise specified in this document, any right, title and benefit for any intellectual property, property rights or other rights related to the inviolable property used, created, included, contained or enforced in connection with any of the Services ('Intellectuals') Company Rights') is the property of the Company or its rights holders and you agree not to express any interest or claim ownership of the Copyright of letsnextboom. The Company guarantees and you accept the personal license, limited, non-transferable, non-exclusive with the right of withdrawal and without the right of assignment and the license to download and use the Services with compatible mobile phone only for personal, non-commercial use. Unless the Company gives you explicit permission, you agree not to lease, lend, sell, distribute or create the Company's Services or Copyright. You acknowledge that no title of the Company's Copyright is granted to you, and that you have no right, express or implied with respect to the Services, other than the rights expressly granted to you under these Terms. You acknowledge that all marks on the Services belong to the Company or to the respective owners of the marks and are protected by national or international copyrighted trademark laws. It is strictly forbidden to use any signals that appear on the Services without the written permission of the Company or the owner of the mark. this website domain and it's content is a trademark of the Company. You may download the Services once and they may not be transferred, sold, rented, distributed, copied, modified or used in whole or in part, except as described in the Terms. You undertake to use the Company's platform only to access the Services. You agree that the holders of the rights, who grant permission for their content to the Company for use in the Services, are included in the scope of this Agreement and that they themselves have permitted the extension of this Agreement, which is directly related to their content. You know that the use of content is subject to the following terms of use. You may not allow third parties to copy, modify, reproduce, transfer, distribute or use any other form of content that you receive and use, other than within the bounds of copyright. You undertake to immediately notify the Company of any such unauthorized use. All rights not expressly granted to you by this Agreement are limited to the Company and / or its licensors.

9. Agreement for Services provided by third parties / transactions with advertisers and / or sponsors

Services may also include access to third party Services either directly or through links to third party websites. Where possible, the Company will report that the Services are provided by third parties. The agreements for Third Party Services have direct effect between you and the third party, even if they cooperate with the Company and have the trademarks of the Company. We may also use advertisers and contractors to balance charges for our Services. As a condition for using these Services, you agree that we may display ads and other offers on our Website and provide advertisements and promotions in relation to our Services. You also agree that you will not attempt to block or interfere with your advertising or promotions. Some jurisdictions do not allow us to send text messages with ads without your permission, so the above does not apply to you. Without your consent we will not share your Personal Data with third parties. The inclusion of any advertisement or offer on our website or in our Services does not constitute support of such content, product, service or company on the part of the Company. We strive to ensure that any ads or promotions are relevant to our users. You have the right to ask us at any time not to contact you through direct advertising. The Company is not a party or responsible in any way for any transaction related to services provided by third parties or for any content or information about services provided by third parties.

10. Confidentiality and Data Processing

We collect and use your personal data to provide the services described above. See Privacy Policy for more information on how to collect and use information.

11. Exemption from Guarantees and Limitation of Liability

The Company, its directors, managers, employees, suppliers and partners (‘Suppliers’) are exempt from any liability for damage due to the use of the Services. You explicitly understand and agree that the Services are provided as is as they are without any warranty. Suppliers are exempt as much as the law allows from all guarantees, explicit or implicit, legal or not, in relation to the Services, including not only unspoken guarantees of securities and marketability, specific purposes and non-infringement of property rights. Suppliers are exempt from any guarantees regarding the security, reliability, validity and performance of the Services. Suppliers do not guarantee that the services will meet your requirements nor that the operation of the Services will be without interruption and without errors. No information, written or oral, provided to you through the Services is a guarantee that is not expressly contained in this document. You should not rely on such information or advice. Understand and agree that you download and / or use the Services, Content, Software and Websites at your own risk, and you will be solely responsible for damages to your computer, mobile phone, or data loss as a result of your use. of the services. In addition to the jurisdiction where such benefits are limited, you agree to the Company's total liability to you or to third parties and to your commitment or the commitment of third parties to the law, justice or otherwise, with respect to the Services provided under this Agreement or / and for any part of the Agreement is limited to the amount you paid for such Services under this Agreement. In addition to jurisdictions where such benefits are limited, Suppliers shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, extraordinary, exemplary, compensatory, third-party or subsequent damages (such as losses for lost profits, suspension of business activity, loss of business information, etc.). from your own use, incorrect use or inability to use the Services, the content, software and the Website even if the Company has been informed of the possibility of such damage n, in the context that the country does not allow the deviation or restriction of liability as mentioned here, the Company's liability is limited within the law of such country.

12. Compensation

You agree to reimburse the Company and its affiliates, subsidiaries, affiliates, suppliers, contractors, agents, legal entities, managers, directors, shareholders and employees and not to cause loss, liability, claim, claim for any claim or claim, including third party because or in connection with a) the use of the Services by you and b) the breach of the representations and warranties of these Terms. You must pay for any charges, damages and expenses, without limitation, of attorney services for payments made by the Company in connection with such claims, lawsuits, actions, requests or other proceedings.

13. Termination and Cancellation of Services • Right of withdrawal

To Unsubscribe from the Services please click on the unsub button inside the portal.
or send us an email to [email protected]. In the first case, the termination is valid immediately after receiving the termination request. In the latter case, the cancellation takes place within 24-48 working hours of receiving the termination request on weekdays.

You agree that the Company, at its own risk, may at any time terminate the use of the Services and remove or remove any Content of the Services, 1) if you have committed any breach under the Company or if you have acted in accordance with the Terms, 2) if you do not pay the charges within the period specified in the connection of your mobile phone, 3) if requested by the Company by the mobile phone company or 4) if according to the law, regulations, instructions or government actions the Services or some of them it is Illegal or pointless. You agree that the Company is not responsible either to you or to third parties for terminating access to the Services. If for any reason you cancel your account, the Company will not refund you what you have paid so far, unless expressly stated in the Terms.

Customers within the European Union and some other states may have the legal right to withdraw from the agreement within at least 14 business days after the date of the agreement (‘Withdrawal Space’). The Company has set the Withdrawal period at fourteen business days, provided, however, that your right to withdraw expires immediately if you have access to the Services before the end of the Withdrawal Period. To withdraw from the agreement within the Withdrawal Space, send a termination notice via email to [email protected].

14. Various Benefits

Notifications and announcements. Unless otherwise stated here, all notifications to the Company must be in writing and sent to the following address: UAE, Dubai, Citadel. When you access or use the Services or send text messages, e-mails or such communications to the Company, you contact us electronically, so you agree to receive electronic notifications from the Company. You agree that all agreements, notices, notices and other communications provided to you by the Company electronically are in accordance with the legal requirements and requirements of the contract, that this communication is in writing. In addition to the reference to the section "Finish and Cancel Services, Right of Withdrawal", notifications sent by post are considered to have been omitted seven days after shipment and notifications on the Company's website or by e-mail or text message are considered to have been omitted. day after day of shipment.

Assignment. You may not assign or transfer the agreement or rights of your contract in any way. The Company has the right to assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement and the receipts to third parties, in writing to you, provided that the Agreement has become more favorable to you in relation to these Terms.

Change of Terms. You acknowledge and agree that these Terms are subject to change by the Company at any time, which changes will be effective from the time they are posted on the Website. Any use of the Services after notification means you accept acceptance of the changes.

Other terms, full agreement. These Terms together with the Terms and Conditions of the Company or third parties are applicable to the Services and may be announced in relation to such Services (‘Special Terms’). In the event of a dispute between the Terms and Conditions, the latter shall take precedence. These Terms and any other Terms and Conditions mentioned in this document represent your entire agreement with the Company regarding the use of the Services. You understand and agree that, unless expressly provided, this Agreement is not intended to be granted and does not grant any rights or obligations to any person other than the members of this Agreement.

Separation. If any part of this Agreement is deemed invalid or unenforceable, this section shall be construed in accordance with applicable law and shall, as far as possible, express the original intentions of the parties and the remaining sections shall continue to apply.

Resignation. If the Company fails to comply with requests or lawsuits or defenses in this agreement or otherwise, it does not constitute a waiver of that claim or defense. The titles used in these Terms are for convenience and have no effect or legal effect on the terms of this document.

Prevalence. If this Agreement is terminated as set out in this document, the Terms of these Terms shall be deemed to continue after termination or termination.

Government law and jurisdiction. This agreement and the use of the Website and the Services are subject to the laws of the country where the Services are provided. The implementation of the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Mobile Property is expressly excluded. In any case, if the services are provided in UAE, the Courts of Dubai are solely responsible for resolving disputes arising from this.